We are proud to announce that the My e-Start learning platform for learners with low digital literacy skills is now freely available online. The platform contains an online course that teaches digital skills in easy to understand language – tailored specifically to the target group that is particularly at risk of digital exclusion. A set Continue reading
First newsletter
Are you interested in what we have achieved in the first phase of our project? Read everything in our first newsletter!!! Click here to open newsletter
Research results at a glance
You don’t have the time or motivation to read our entire research report? Here you will find the most important results in a short and concise summary! Research report executive summary
Transnational research results
The My e-Start project aims to equip disadvantaged adults with skills necessary for using the most common e-Government and e-Commerce services in their countries and ensuring a positive (first) e-experience as well as a sense of digital achievement. In order to establish the needs of these group, partners carried out research in each participating country Continue reading
Out now: My e-Start brochure
Please have a look at our brand new project brochure! Get more information on the project and feel free to use it to spread the news on our project! Click here to open brochure
My e-Start – The official start
E-services, such as e-Government and e-Commerce save time and provide significant benefits for citizens, governments and businesses alike. As such, there can be considerable savings, greater transparency or a generally easier and more convenient way of managing administrative tasks. The increasing trend of internet usage does not automatically lead to an increase in digital skills. Continue reading